Author Topic: Venturii Presented at the Calgary Mini-Maker Faire 2015  (Read 4925 times)


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Venturii Presented at the Calgary Mini-Maker Faire 2015
« on: September 16, 2015, 07:14:03 PM »
Making it's world debut this year at the Calgary Mini-Maker Faire,, Venturii went on display showing some of the convenient and energy-saving features it has. Although the Metal Minds table was put together almost last minute, we did manage to pull together some things to show off at this year's show. One of the ideas I wanted to convey was how much products that work on their own can be made better by connecting them together, a concept that is fundamental to the idea of Venturii.

This was the first time I've been to a Maker Faire, and it was pretty amazing to see - not only the number and diversity of local Makers but also just how many people came to check it out! The Metal Minds table was swamped - almost without ceasing - the entire duration of both days. My throat was raw by the end of Sunday evening, but we got to talk to a lot of people and I hope we generated some interest in both automation in general and in the Venturii platform. I hope that many of those people find their way to this forum and can get connected to continue conversations that were started at the Faire.

The feedback received was great, and we a have a lot to work on for next year, some of which is already underway. Please feel free to post pictures from the event; I was so busy the entire time I only got to glance at exhibits that were physically located between our booth and the bathroom, but I know there was a lot of amazing things to see.

Some other links to check out:

Venturii Blog - Journal of my journey through automation and integrating everything.
Metal Minds - Still under construction at time of posting.

John / Cube.
Venturii - Integrate Everything